Dog Obedience Training Near Me

Obedience Training for Dogs & Puppies

Dogs add joy to our lives and never fail to bring a smile to our faces with their antics, so it’s only natural to want to share those moments of happiness with your followers on Instagram. Catching them at the right moments or getting them to stay perfectly still for the most picturesque snap, however, can prove a challenge. If you want to take your pet photography game up a notch, these tips will ​​prove invaluable.

Choose the Right Angle

One of the best ways to get an adorable photo of your pooch is to get down on their level. This way, you’ll be able to capture their face directly, rather than from above. This angle can also make their features appear softer and more endearing.

Use Natural Light

Whenever possible, use natural light to take your photos. This will help your pup’s fur look shiny and lustrous and make their eyes appear bright and vibrant. When indoors, try to position your dog near a window.

Perfect Your Timing

There will be times when your dog is just too excited or restless to sit still for a photo, and that’s okay. Rather than forcing them to stay put, just wait for a moment when they’re taking a break or a nap. These moments will often result in the cutest photos.

Patience is a ‘Furtue’

If you want to capture your dog in a specific pose or doing a certain trick, it’s important to be patient. Dogs often need multiple tries to get things right, so don’t get frustrated if it takes a while to get the perfect shot.

Use Accessories

Accessories can help make your dog’s photos more fun and creative. Bandanas, bow ties, and hats are all great options. Be sure whatever you choose is comfortable for your dog and won’t impede their vision.

Vary Your Content

While photos are the bread and butter of Instagram, don’t be afraid to mix things up with videos or boomerangs from time to time. These can be especially fun if your dog is particularly active or playful. You can use a free video to gif converter to trim your videos to the optimal length for a

Edit Your Snaps

Editing your photos can seriously improve their quality. There are lots of great editing apps out there, so experiment with a few to find the one that works best for you. Remember not to go overboard with the filters and effects, as your followers may find this disingenuous.

Follow Pet Influencers

For extra inspiration, follow some of the top pet influencers on Instagram. They often post imaginative photos of their dogs that are sure to get your creative juices flowing. You can start by trying to recreate the most adorable shots on a few popular accounts to practice and hone
your skills.

Train Your Pup

If you want to be able to take pictures of your dog anytime, anywhere, it’s a good idea to train them to stay calm and posed on command. This way, you won’t spend too much time waiting for the perfect opportunity to click.

Invest in Grooming

A good grooming routine will help your dog look and feel its best, which will make them more photogenic. This is especially important if your dog has long fur, as it will help prevent knots and matting. It also has the added benefit of helping your stay on top of your dog’s health, as your
groomer will be able to pick up and notify you of any irregularities.

Dog photos are what make the world (or at least the internet) go round, but be sure to always put your pet’s safety first and never cause distress to get the right shot. With the right approach and a little training, your pup could be Instagram-famous in no time at all.

Dog Training Does Matter by Tom Savoca offers services that help both owners and dogs live in perfect harmony. Learn how to effectively communicate with your dog.

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